Survey- TikTok for Gen Xers training April 2024 - Technology Therapy™ Group - Web Design & Marketing

Thank You for Attending TikTok for Gen Xers

Your feedback is very important to us. We want to be sure we're designing our programs with real attendees in mind so that we can provide the best experience possible.

Please complete the survey below to let us know how we did:

Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
How was the pacing?(Required)
1 being Poor and 5 being Excellent
1 being Poor and 5 being Excellent
Do you feel more confident after this training?(Required)
Very HelpfulSomewhat HelpfulNeutralSomewhat UnhelpfulVery Unhelpful
Have you worked with Technology Therapy® Group in the past?
Significantly betterBetterAbout the sameWorseSignificantly worseN/A – I haven’t attended any other courses
What topics would you like us to cover in future courses?

This survey is anonymous, but if you’d like to provide your name, email, & a testimonial, we’ll send you a $25 gift card (to be applied to a future class purchase) for yourself or to share with a friend.

Include your name and email at the end of your testimonial so that we can send you a thank-you gift.