About Technology Therapy Group & Our Team

Our Mission

Empowering Start-ups and Growing Businesses to Improve Their Digital Know-How

Our mission is born out of the fact that so many people feel like the digital world changes overnight. It’s why we’ve converted our firm from being a digital marketing agency with over 20 years’ experience to a digital e-learning platform for startups and growing businesses.

Our passion is to help small businesses learn to embrace the tools they need to thrive and succeed in a digital world.

To guide you through the unknown.

To help you avoid wasting time & money.

To help you overcome your fears.

To empower you to succeed

To support you as you implement your digital plans.

We dive in and work all day every day in these digital platforms you’re asking questions about. We are constantly learning – and constantly teaching each other – so we can share the results of our explorations with you to better your business. It’s a curiosity that we hope you’ll inherit through our mentorship, training, and subscriptions.


We are Endlessly Curious Experts Caring Invested in You Dedicated to Growth Passionate

Digital Marketing is Always Evolving

With the frequent, jarring shifts in digital, learning a skill once isn’t enough. We don’t just keep track of overnight platform changes because we have to for our clients; we do it with a fervent interest in the world of digital marketing and a vested interest in your success. We keep on learning, so we can keep on teaching.

Jennifer Shaheen

President & Technology Therapist

Courtney Dumont

Sr. Strategist/Analyst

Genevieve Belcher

Operations Manager

Tom Digrazia - Creative Director/Senior Designer - Technology Therapy Group

Tom DiGrazia

Creative Director/Senior Designer

Theresa Yattaw

Partner / CFO

Tu Luong

Web Developer

Joseph Santoro

Account Manager

Jenee Esquivel

Account Manager

Tiffany Marecaux

Account Manager

Madison Jorden

Madison Jorden

Account Manager

Kimberly McGiveney

Digital Designer/Implementation Specialist

Whitney Russell


Photo Of Jessica Leapman

Jessica Leapman

Marketing Assistant & Quality Control Specialist