WordPress eCommerce Integration: BigCommerce or Shopify?

BigCommerce vs. Shopify for WordPress

BigCommerce vs. Shopify for Wordpress

BigCommerce vs. Shopify:
Which eCommerce Platform Should I Integrate with WordPress?

Congratulations— you’ve officially set up a WordPress site for your small business. You’ve optimized for top-ranking SEO keywords, dropped in a number of eye-catching visuals, and published some well-written, strategically-crafted copy. Perhaps you’re even getting a nice, steady trickle of traffic coming in (which you’re monitoring with the analytics and data tracking you’ve set up too, of course).

So, what’s next?

It’s time to arm your WordPress site with your very own eCommerce store. For computer-savvy business owners who want fine-level control over every detail of their online store, WordPress’s “WooCommerce” system may be the solution for you. However, for those of you looking for fast, clean, and easy eCommerce that grows quickly and painlessly as you do, you’re going to want to integrate with an external, WordPress-compatible platform— and in our experience, nothing converts like Shopify or BigCommerce.

Not sure which eCommerce system is going to best meet your needs? Here’s what you need to know…

WordPress Integrations for Small Businesses:
BigCommerce or Shopify?

For small business owners looking to open up their WordPress site to digital sales, both Shopify and BigCommerce are excellent choices. Each platform integrates with WordPress seamlessly—allowing you to build a digital store without having to complete any level of coding or design. All that’s required of you is to select a template, upload your products, and determine your prices.

What’s more, each platform is customizable, includes built in multi-channel selling, and provides great design options/themes. Plus – with either platform – your shop grows as you do; meaning you won’t have to worry about backend development issues as your sales increase!

Great! But… Which eCommerce Platform is BETTER?

When compared, Shopify and BigCommerce both have a number of highly beneficial features and services.

Some of Shopify’s stand-out pros include:

  • Built-in Shopify Payments (enjoy discounted rates as your plan levels increase)
  • Built in multi-location capabilities
  • Point of sale (POS) system with powerful features
  • Zero annual sales limits on plans
  • Thousands of integration options via the Shopify App Store

In comparison, BigCommerce’s stand-out pros involve:

  • Discounted processing rates
  • Zero transaction fees (regardless of processor)
  • Unlimited products, storage, bandwidth & staff accounts with all plans
  • Multi-currency features with all plans
  • Single-page checkout available for all plans

Cost: In terms of pricing and fees, each platform charges about $29 per month for a basic/standard plan. (Shopify offers a “Shopify Lite” option at $9 per month, but this doesn’t include a full online store). BigCommerce adds fees based on the amount of sales, while Shopify charges transaction fees.

Customer Support: Both systems offer 24/7 customer support at different capacities (chat, email and US-based phone support for BigCommerce versus email, phone and live chat support for Shopify).

For more BigCommerce & Shopify Pros & Cons, click here.

Still Unclear on Which Ecommerce Platform Is Right for You?
Here’s How We Decide Which Platform Our Clients Should Use…

Here at Technology Therapy, there are a few key factors we take into consideration before recommending Shopify over BigCommerce or vice versa. When working with clients who are real, genuine eCommerce novices, we’ll often suggest integrating their WordPress site with Shopify, mostly due to its ease of use and general functionality with third-party integration opportunities. However, if we’re working with a small business owner who’s expecting large influxes of payments and wants more advanced features without top-level plans or integrations, BigCommerce may be the better choice for them.

Other key things we need to know before picking the best eCommerce platform for you:

  • What is your web goal? Are you planning on selling strictly on your website, or will you also offer products on sites like Amazon, eBay, etc.?
  • H Are there other third-party systems you plan to integrate (such as email marketing, live chat, calling integrations, etc.)?
  • How much money are you willing to spend on add-ons? (Though Shopify offers a ton of add-on functions, it’s important to realize these functions will also cost you $$.)

Let Us Help You Choose the Platform That’s Right for You

At the end of the day, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” answer until we know your unique goals and needs— both of which vary greatly from industry to industry, and business to business. Work with a mentor to discuss your specific needs and goals for your eCommerce site today!

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