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After You Count Your Blessings, Count Your Sales Channels

After You Count Your Blessings, Count Your Sales Channels

The New Year is here! You know what that means. It’s time to appreciate all the things we have in our lives that are working well, and start improving the rest. When it comes to marketing, a good place to begin the process is by examining your sales channels. [Tweet “If you want to grow […]

Who Answers When a Customer Texts Your Store?

Who Answers When a Customer Texts Your Store?

The holiday shopping season is here, and you need to be prepared for customers to reach out to your business in a number of ways. In 2017, 60% of customers reported reaching out for customer service at least once during a one month period – and a significant percentage accessed customer service repeatedly. [Tweet “More […]

The Customer Journey Isn’t a Straight Line

The Customer Journey Isn’t a Straight Line

“Forget everything you knew about the customer funnel!”  This sounds like very bold marketing advice – the type you might want to disregard because it sounds too over the top – but when you realize the source, you may want to reconsider. [Tweet “Your job is to provide the customer with a satisfying experience no […]

What Makes Gen Z Different from Millennials?

What Makes Gen Z Different from Millennials?

Gen Z is the newest generation of shoppers. Born after 1995, Gen Z will account for 40% of all shoppers by 2020. The oldest members of Gen Z are recent college graduates and new entrants to the workforce. While most aren’t entirely independent yet, they do have money to spend. Forbes reported at the beginning […]

Playing Games Can Get Really Personal – And That’s A Good Thing

Playing Games Can Get Really Personal - And That's A Good Thing

As you know, last year our team debuted Fan Time Fantasy Football – a game that retailers could use to provide their customers with a fun, memorable experience throughout the football season. Now that the Super Bowl is behind us, (as Pats fans, we’re not quite ready to talk about the game just yet) we’re delving […]

The Value of Understanding in Building Customer Relationships

The Value of Understanding in Building Customer Relationships

Understanding is a two-way street. To run a great business, you need to understand your customers. That’s why we focus so much attention on collecting data and creating customer journey maps. It’s also really good when your customers understand your business. Storytelling is one of the tools we can use to create that understanding. [Tweet […]