Marketing Data Archives - Technology Therapy™ Group - Web Design & Marketing

4 Data-Driven Tools Every SMB Needs

Data Tools

Does data inform your marketing strategy? It should! Learn from your data to create better content using these amazing digital marketing tools for small businesses data analysis: Google Search Console Previously known as “Google Webmaster Tools”, Google Search Console is a free SMB tool that helps business owners observe, maintain, and troubleshoot their Google search results performance. […]

7 Secrets Hidden in Your Google My Business Insights

7 Secrets Hidden in Your Google My Business Insights

One of the most valuable assets any small business has is its customer data. Most business owners know how valuable this data is. What they aren’t necessarily clear about is the multitude of sources they have available to review and capture customer data, and how much can be learned from each source. One great example […]

Timing is Everything: Using Data to Get Better Results from Your Marketing

Timing is Everything: Using Data to Get Better Results from Your Marketing

Let’s say you use email marketing to connect with your customers – a monthly newsletter that includes updates about what’s new with your business, savings opportunities for your customers, an informative article to read and share, and more. It takes a lot of time and effort, but you know it’s worth it – you’ve had […]

Get Ready for the Sound of Silence: Google Expands “Mute This Ad”

Get Ready for the Sound of Silence: Google Expands “Mute This Ad”

Almost everyone has had the experience of browsing an online store, lingering for a moment or two over an item that was kind of appealing, and moving on without making a purchase, only to have ads for that appealing item show up time and time again – even when you’re not shopping at all, but […]