Retail Marketing Archives - Technology Therapy™ Group - Web Design & Marketing

Bye, Bye, “Bridal”!

Graphic that shows Bye Bye Bridal

Selling products starts with speaking to your customers. Does the language your business uses promote diversity and inclusion? Pride month may be over, but love is still love. The wedding industry is rife with gendered language that hasn’t been questioned or widely modified in ages. But we’re not wedded to these terms! Divorce yourself from antiquated terminology […]

Worried About Wal-Azon?

Worried About Wal-Azon?

As we move into 2018, several major retail trends are already pretty clear: the division between e-commerce and online retail will fade away as the majority of businesses adopt a blended model, offering components of both, and the industry’s largest players, namely Walmart and Amazon, will continue to grow and change, in many ways becoming […]