Social Media Advertising Archives - Technology Therapy™ Group - Web Design & Marketing

Social Media Apps to Keep an Eye On

KEY TAKEAWAYS:Social media is a critical component to any modern marketing strategy for both brick-and-mortar and ecommerce businesses. New social media platforms are emerging to capitalize in changes in user demographics and needs. Depending on your demographic and marketing goals, these new platforms may be your best bet for gaining a substantial following: TikTok, Clubhouse, […]

Digital Ad Drama: Apple vs. Facebook

facebook apple

When two tech titans like Apple and Facebook collide, there’s bound to be plenty of commotion left in the wake. Recent iOS updates have made an impact on Facebook ads. But as it turns out, Facebook had been preparing for the ramifications of these updates months before they were released. Here’s what’s going on. The […]

What’s the Best Way to Attract Young Shoppers’ Attention? Video Ads on Social Media

What’s the Best Way to Attract Young Shoppers’ Attention? Video Ads on Social Media

67 million people were born between 1995 and 2010. Dubbed “Gen Z”, these shoppers value choice and flexibility more than their older counterparts, according to Hulu CMO Kelly Campbell. Campbell was speaking during Advertising Week, an industry convention focused on emerging best practices. Not surprisingly,  video was a large part of the conversation. [Tweet “50% […]

The Graying of Facebook: Where Are All the Younger Users?

The Graying of Facebook: Where Are All the Younger Users?

As Facebook has gotten older, so has its user base. Industry watchers have been saying for years that younger users aren’t using Facebook as enthusiastically as their older siblings, parents, and grandparents are. This month, eMarketer reports that the decline is actually proceeding at a greater rate than expected, with growth among 12 to 17-year-olds […]