social media tips Archives - Technology Therapy™ Group - Web Design & Marketing

How Instagram’s “Suggested Posts” Feature Benefits Your Business

How Instagram’s “Suggested Posts” Feature Benefits Your Business

This past summer, Instagram rolled out a “suggested posts” feature to give users more to explore once they’d reached the end of their following feed. Here’s what this potentially means for your business: “You’re All Caught Up”—But Are You? In 2018, Instagram added a feature similar to Facebook’s “time well spent” approach that let users […]

Storytelling on Social Media: More Important Than Ever Before

Storytelling on Social Media: More Important Than Ever Before

It’s impossible to overstate how important storytelling is when you want to attract, convert, and retain Millennial customers. Social media has been quick to grasp many people who enjoy creating and telling stories for their own amusement. Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook have all added some form of “Stories” to their platform. [Tweet “People are trying […]