LinkedIn Business Jargon for Small Business Leaders

LinkedIn Business Terms to Know as a Small Business Leader


Key Takeaways:

Grasp some commonly used LinkedIn Business terms.

Equip yourself with 5 tips for maximizing your business’s page on LinkedIn.

It’s hard to believe that LinkedIn has been around for two decades. Currently, the platform has more than 900 million members internationally. There’s great benefit to having a strong LinkedIn presence as a small business. Per a recent Nielsen study, 92% of brands are perceived to be more professional and 59% were perceived to be of “higher quality” when their ad was seen on LinkedIn.

Another perk is that many business decision makers frequent the platform. And, according to a recent Salesforce Advertising Index Report, LinkedIn members have 2x the buying power of other online audiences.

Like with any social media platform, however, it’s easy to get lost in the lingo. So, without further ado, here are 8 commonly-used LinkedIn terms so you can discuss LinkedIn marketing strategies like a pro.

“92% of brands are perceived to be more professional and 59% were perceived to be of ‘higher quality’ when their ad was seen on LinkedIn.”

Nielsen Study

8 LinkedIn Business Terms to Know

1. Tagline

This is the short copy that appears under your business’s name on your company page. Taglines can be 120 characters long, maximum, so it’s smart to make this text catchy and memorable (and describe your business in more detail in the “about” section)

2. About

On a company page, the “about” section is a summary of your business that lets LinkedIn users get to know you. It’s also a great place to introduce others to your company’s story, your mission, and some of the key services or products you offer customers.

3. Lead Generation

Though this term is self-explanatory, “lead generation” on LinkedIn is simply the process of creating leads. It’s a term used to describe any activities and methods you use on the platform to draw potential customers to your brand.

4. LinkedIn Automation

There are certain tools available to free up your time as a business owner while helping you get the most out of LinkedIn. Automation tools like Expandi, Phantombuster, Lempod, and TexAu perform functions such as personalizing mass messages, showing your most popular posts to a wider audience, liking and commenting on posts, and creating customized images and GIFs to use in your outreach.

5. LinkedIn Groups

Similar to special interest groups on Facebook, LinkedIn has groups you can join to network with other businesses and individuals who are in the same niche or who have common goals. Groups are a great place to dialogue with potential leads, demonstrate your industry expertise, and boost the visibility of your business.

6. LinkedIn Pillars

As a small business, it’s wise to familiarize yourself with the platform’s three pillars: LinkedIn Recruiter, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, and LinkedIn Marketing Solutions. Each of these services has different advantages when it comes to marketing your business and expanding your staff and/or customer base.

LinkedIn Recruiter

Business leaders with a personal LinkedIn profile can use the platform’s Recruiter feature to grow their team. It lets you view the platform’s network of candidates who are actively and passively open to a new position. You can also connect with candidates you’re interested in via LinkedIn’s secure messaging platform, InMail.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

This feature was intended for sales professionals on LinkedIn who need the latest tools for generating leads and bringing in better leads, as well as tracking and searching for accounts, business partners, and individuals that could benefit their brand.

LinkedIn Marketing Solutions

Marketing Solutions are the platform’s features specifically designed for B2B marketing. You can set up a free LinkedIn Page for your business, then tap into functions like sponsored content and messaging, text ads, and dynamic ads. Use Campaign Manager to view how your LinkedIn ads are performing, all in one place.

7. Page

While individuals on LinkedIn have personal profiles, businesses have pages. Another difference between profiles and pages is that a profile lets an individual showcase their experience, interests, recommendations, skills, and endorsements. Whereas a company page lets a company highlight their people and job openings, as well as their location, contact info, and summary of what they do and the services/products they offer.


While your business can’t have “connections” like a you can with a personal profile on the platform, you can have followers. These are people that subscribe to the latest updates you post and content that you share on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Showcase pages are a fantastic way to show off your brand’s services, products, or past client projects.

5 Tips for Leveraging Your LinkedIn Business Page

Use great visuals.

Put your best face forward when it comes to the graphics you use on LinkedIn. While LinkedIn is more text focused than other social media platforms, it still has a highly visual component.

Promote your blog on LinkedIn.

If your business has a blog, share new posts on LinkedIn to expand your reader base. It’s a great way to establish your authority in your niche to current followers and new ones who have recently discovered you on the platform.

Create Showcase pages.

For business pages, you can make up to 10 Showcase pages that display underneath your company’s main page. You can use these to highlight your brand’s top services or products, show off past client projects, or organize marketing campaigns.

Remain active on the platform.

Social media platforms reward you for being active within the platform — and LinkedIn is no exception. Join groups, engage in discussions, comment on posts, respond to comments on your business page, and message potential leads on a regular basis. Consistency and perseverance on the platform will pay off.

Find, attend, and host events.

Last, but not least, take advantage of the plethora of virtual and in-person events LinkedIn has. It’s a simple way to network with other individuals and companies in your industry. You can also host a virtual or in-person event for your business to advertise your services and/or products while connecting with customers and answering any questions they might have.

Social Media Support for Your Small Business

Still stumped by LinkedIn? Understand the lingo, but need some help improving your business’s engagement rates and enhancing your campaigns on the platform? Connect with us at Technology Therapy® Group! And check out the following trainings to further grow your LinkedIn smarts.

Step Up Your Social Game 

Level up with LinkedIn, or master another social platform, when you schedule customized trainings from TTG. We’re here to turn your digital confusion into clarity!

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