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Speed Testing: Google’s Not Playing & You Should Be Paying Attention

Speed Testing: Google’s Not Playing & You Should Be Paying Attention

Originally Published in 2019. Updated in 2021. Page speed is a factor in your SEO ranking. Slow speeds could be keeping your business away from valuable customers who are searching for your products or services! There’s something you can do about it, though. Mary Ellen Coe is the president of Google Customer Solutions. She’s trying […]

For B2B Brands, The Biggest Challenge Can Be Knowing What to Measure

For B2B Brands, The Biggest Challenge Can Be Knowing What to Measure

B2B companies are confronted with a number of marketing challenges, some of which are rooted in some widely-held misconceptions. For example, many people assume that the B2B marketplace is a dispassionate place, where buying decisions are made on a strictly logical basis. Yet research from Ipsos reveals that many B2B buyers rely on emotion and […]

New Year, New Website: What You Need to Help Your Business Grow

New Year, New Website: What You Need to Help Your Business Grow

In 2019, every business is an online business. Today’s customers are researchers, who spend significant amount of time exploring their options before committing to even minor purchases. If this process brings them to your website, you have a limited opportunity to convince them that you’re what they’re looking for. This is true even if you’re […]

For Great PPC, Focus on the Customer Journey

For Great PPC, Focus on the Customer Journey

Did you ever wonder why Google Adwords changed its name to Google Ads? Part of the reason, according to Sridhar Ramaswamy, former Senior VP of Ads & Commerce, was to acknowledge the many places Google Ads appear. In addition to occupying a prime position at the top of search results, Google Ads show up on […]

After You Count Your Blessings, Count Your Sales Channels

After You Count Your Blessings, Count Your Sales Channels

The New Year is here! You know what that means. It’s time to appreciate all the things we have in our lives that are working well, and start improving the rest. When it comes to marketing, a good place to begin the process is by examining your sales channels. [Tweet “If you want to grow […]

Are You Ready for Reddit?

Are You Ready for Reddit?

Reddit calls itself the front page of the internet. A vast and free-wheeling discussion forum, Reddit is the third most visited website in the world. It has 542 million monthly users – far more than Twitter, which only boasts 336 million monthly visitors. And now, armed with data that shows Reddit users are ‘heavy online […]

Boost Sales with a Seasonal SEO Strategy

Boost Sales with a Seasonal SEO Strategy

One of the reasons Technology Therapy Group has such strong results from our SEO campaigns is because we know customer search patterns change throughout the year. This is particularly relevant to our retail clientele, who often realize the lion’s share of their annual revenue during the last quarter. [Tweet “Traffic from PPC ads converts 50% […]

4 Ways to Create More Engaging Emails

4 Ways to Create More Engaging Emails

Email marketing is one of the most powerful marketing channels available to small business owners. This is true for companies who serve the public directly, and this is true for companies who are in the B2B sector. [Tweet “53% of all emails are opened on mobile devices.”] An oft cited static puts the ROI of […]

Exclusive Offers Drive Sales

Exclusive Offers Drive Sales

When something is exclusive, it means “Not for everybody”. In romance, reaching the point of exclusivity can be a major milestone. It means you’re not interested in having other people involved in the relationship – it’s just you and your special someone. Customers want to be treated like they’re a special someone. While obviously you […]