technology therapy Archives - Technology Therapy™ Group - Web Design & Marketing

Are You Overwhelmed by Your Business Data?

Are You Overwhelmed by Your Business Data?

“I know I should be paying more attention to my data,” a retailer recently told me. “But honestly, I start to look at it, and there’s just so much that I don’t know where to start. I just shut down.” Overwhelm – sometimes called information overload – can be a very real problem. If we […]

Are You Getting Real Value from Your End of Year Surveys?

Are You Getting Real Value from Your End of Year Surveys?

What’s the first fun task now that 2019’s arrived? Tackling the overwhelming number of End of Year surveys about our industries. These surveys are designed to give business owners insights about their performance, compared to what the competition is doing. How valuable are these insights? The answer is – it depends. The quality of the insights […]

Are You Ready for Reddit?

Are You Ready for Reddit?

Reddit calls itself the front page of the internet. A vast and free-wheeling discussion forum, Reddit is the third most visited website in the world. It has 542 million monthly users – far more than Twitter, which only boasts 336 million monthly visitors. And now, armed with data that shows Reddit users are ‘heavy online […]

Boost Sales with a Seasonal SEO Strategy

Boost Sales with a Seasonal SEO Strategy

One of the reasons Technology Therapy Group has such strong results from our SEO campaigns is because we know customer search patterns change throughout the year. This is particularly relevant to our retail clientele, who often realize the lion’s share of their annual revenue during the last quarter. [Tweet “Traffic from PPC ads converts 50% […]

Exclusive Offers Drive Sales

Exclusive Offers Drive Sales

When something is exclusive, it means “Not for everybody”. In romance, reaching the point of exclusivity can be a major milestone. It means you’re not interested in having other people involved in the relationship – it’s just you and your special someone. Customers want to be treated like they’re a special someone. While obviously you […]

The Customer Journey Isn’t a Straight Line

The Customer Journey Isn’t a Straight Line

“Forget everything you knew about the customer funnel!”  This sounds like very bold marketing advice – the type you might want to disregard because it sounds too over the top – but when you realize the source, you may want to reconsider. [Tweet “Your job is to provide the customer with a satisfying experience no […]

5 Ways to Make Black Friday Better

5 Ways to Make Black Friday Better

If you’ve been in retail for any time at all, you’ve seen Black Friday change. Once the traditional kick off to the holiday shopping season, Black Friday is now part of a larger week-long shopping event. Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday add to the excitement of the season – but they can make it […]

3 Things You Need to Know About Local Customer Acquisition

3 Things You Need to Know About Local Customer Acquisition

The #1 entry on most small business owners’ wish list is “More customers!” Beginning and building relationships with people in your community is hard. There’s a lot of competition for people’s interest, attention spans are shorter than ever before, and boosting local visibility can be expensive. With that in mind, here are 3 things you […]

Put Your Website to Work

The Power of Play: What Games Can Teach Us About Our Customers

As a business owner, you depend on your website to transition a customer from interest to action. No matter where a customer first encounters your brand – on social media, through advertising, or as the result of a search – when they want more information about you, they’ll visit your website. The experience they have […]